I'm Xena

 ADHD Coach & Expert. 

I was 36 when I got diagnosed with ADHD & everything finally made sense. 

Growing up I was the shy kid, the one terrified of being called on in class, who would go bright red anytime her name was mentioned. 

I had the report cards that read “away with the fairies” & “would do well if she applied herself”. 

I struggled to make & keep friends, developed an eating disorder as a teenager, was diagnosed with anxiety & struggled to finish anything I started.  

All things I later learned are common for people with ADHD… 

In 2014 I bought a oneway ticket to London (hello impulsivity!)… & I absolutely hated it! 

I started drinking cider every single night to numb the constant anxiety. 

I wanted to lose weight, get healthy & start my own business but I just kept procrastinating.

At my lowest point, I couldn’t even look at myself in the mirror. 

I had no self-esteem & I felt like a total failure. 

COACHING changed my life.

Even before my ADHD diagnosis. 

Even before medication. 

Coaching helped me to change my life in ways that were almost unrecognisable. 


⭐ I gained confidence & overcame my fear of public speaking. 

​⭐ I learned how to regulate my emotions & manage my RSD so that I was able to date & find my incredible partner (after 10+ years of being single & T.E.R.R.I.F.I.E.D of dating)

​⭐ I certified as a Coach, started my own business, left my 9-5 job & have helped 1000s of people around the world. 


Getting my ADHD diagnosis at age 36 was the missing piece. 

Determined to figure out how to work with my ADHD brain

I reached out to experts, devoured studies and begun sharing my discoveries


On the Navigating Adult ADHD Podcast.  

I learned how to work with my ADHD brain, not against it.

The more info I devoured the more relief I felt. 

l discovered that medication alone was not enough if I wanted to thrive with ADHD.


I developed my coaching program based on the 4 elements that have helped me to change my ENTIRE life. 

M - Mindset 

- Emotional Regulation

- Dopamine Management

S - Systems that work for ADHD brains

Since creating the MEDS model I have coached, supported & loved hundreds of adults with ADHD, helping them to thrive.

And I would love to help you too.  Because life is to short to just be surviving day to day. You deserve better, my friend. 

Learn more about the NAVIGATING ADULT ADHD  Membership & how you can start thriving with ADHD today.

Find out more


is your home for all things Adult ADHD​

I wish I’d had support & guidance like this when I was trying to wrap my head around my ADHD diagnosis.

So instead, I created it so that YOU can learn to work with your ADHD brain, in a loving & supportive environment.